Information for Teachers

The Farming Foodsteps resource has been created to aid teachers and parents in delivering education about the red meat food system – from farm to fork.

The resource has been created to be taught from this platform but if you would rather, downloadable lesson plans are available within each of the lessons.


Watch the video below to find out what the lessons contain and how the educational resource has been designed to work.

Download our Education Toolkit PDF

Download our Education Toolkit PDF full of information about educating young people all about the red meat food system covering subjects such as Farming, Sustainability, Health and more.

Download the 2023 Toolkit

Other Services

In addition to the Farming Foodsteps resource, the Quality Meat Scotland Health and Education team offer the following services:

In School Cookery Demonstration

We can arrange a chef/demonstrator to visit the school to deliver cookery demonstrations or cook-a-longs (terms apply) in-school. The chef/demonstrator will cook a dish whilst discussing various topics including; the importance of a healthy, balanced diet, the role of red meat in the diet, assurance schemes and the logos on meat packaging and what they mean. If you are interested in booking a session, please click the button below.

Apply Online

QMS Meat Voucher Scheme

The QMS Meat Voucher Scheme is an initiative to encourage secondary schools to get pupils cooking with quality, Scottish ingredients to create nutritious meals. The scheme provides home economics departments of secondary schools in Scotland with a voucher worth up to £180 to spend on fresh red meat from a local butcher shop. This is for use by students on home economics and hospitality courses only. Applications open in each new academic year. To be notified of the Meat Voucher Scheme and other Farming Foodsteps updates, sign up below.

Subscribe for updates

Our glossary of farming terms

Below is a downloadable glossary of terms and acronyms that are used throughout this resource.

Download the glossary

Our Education Partners

Quality Meat Scotland’s Health and Education team also work with several partners relating to food and farming education. Throughout this resource, you will find many links to other relevant supporting resources from organisations such as these. In addition, Quality Meat Scotland’s Health and Education team work with these partners to deliver teacher training in food and farming. To keep up-to-date with available training sign up for our education newsletter below.